The Spiritual wing of AMRQHTM under the department of Air and Space



As Gatih volunteers, we are thrilled to share with you the profound wisdom of the Gatih Upanishad, a sacred consecrated space that has been passed down through generations of masters like Guru Adi Shankaracharya himself in the lineage and ultimately finds expression in the earth realm through Gatih Yoga Centre. This space offers deep insights into the nature of reality and the path towards spiritual liberation.

At the heart of the Gatih Upanishad lies the space consecration of Gatih, which is a Sanskrit word that translates to "movement" or "progression" or "Shakti". According to this, all of creation is in a constant state of flux, moving towards a higher state of consciousness and spiritual awareness. The Gatih Upanishad teaches us that we too must be in motion, constantly striving to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

At the Gatih Yoga centre, we strive to embody the teachings of the Gatih Upanishad in our daily practice. Through our classes and workshops, we help our students to tap into their innate power and potential, and to find their own unique path towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Shoonya, or emptiness, is another important manifestation in the Gatih Upanishad. This refers to the state of pure consciousness that lies beyond the realm of the ego and the individual self. By practising meditation and other yogic techniques, we can learn to quiet the mind and enter into this state of pure awareness, which is the ultimate goal of the spiritual path.

Dr. Partha Pratim Kalita, the founder of Gatih Yoga centre, has dedicated his life to sharing the wisdom of the Gatih Upanishad with others. Through his teachings and his energy, he has helped to consecrate the centre with a deep sense of spiritual connection and purpose.

In these challenging times, it is more important than ever to embrace the teachings of the Gatih Upanishad and to bring the energy of Shoonya into our daily lives. By doing so, we can tap into the transformative power of yoga and meditation, and move towards a more peaceful, harmonious world. Dr. Kalita, a dedicated disciple of his Guru, has taken on the noble task of fulfilling his Guru's order by founding an all-inclusive platform for the betterment of people's well-being. This platform has been carefully crafted to cater to the diverse needs of individuals from all walks of life, ensuring that no one is left behind.

With a steadfast commitment to his Guru's teachings, Dr. Kalita has built this platform to provide a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can come together to access the resources and support they need to lead happy, healthy lives. From physical wellness to emotional and spiritual well-being, this platform offers a wide range of services to help individuals achieve their goals and live their best lives.

As an experienced and compassionate practitioner, Dr. Kalita brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to this platform. His dedication to his Guru's teachings and his unwavering commitment to serving others make him an invaluable asset to the community he serves.

Through his efforts, Dr. Kalita has created a platform that truly embodies the spirit of inclusivity and compassion. With a focus on serving the needs of all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances, this platform is a beacon of hope and positivity for all those who seek to improve their well-being.

Dr. Partha Pratim Kalita is a Kriya Yogi who has dedicated his life to the practice of Yoga and Sadhana. After lifetimes of intense Sadhana, Dr. Kalita had a profound realization that changed his life forever. At the age of 24, he experienced a profound spiritual awakening that gradually became more and more frequent and recurring over time.

During this realization, Dr. Kalita was flooded with memories and experiences from his past lives, which allowed him to see the bigger picture of existence. He realized that death was simply a fiction created by ignorant people and that there is no such thing as an end to life. In his own words, he believed that death was merely about moving from one dimension of existence to another.

This realization has had a profound impact on Dr. Kalita's life, and he has dedicated his life to sharing this understanding of life and death with others. Through his teachings and guidance, Dr. Kalita has helped countless individuals find peace and clarity in their lives, and has shown them the path to a deeper understanding of the true nature of existence.

Dr. Kalita's calm and serene approach to life is a testament to the power of Sadhana and Yoga, and his journey serves as an inspiration to all those who seek a deeper meaning in their lives. His teachings remind us that life is a journey, and that true fulfilment can only be found when we embrace the infinite possibilities that exist beyond the limitations of our physical existence.

If you're looking to expand your knowledge of Shoonya and the spiritual technologies that he has developed, you'll want to dive into his books. Through his writings, you'll gain a deeper understanding of his connections with higher beings and the profound teachings of his Guru.

Shoonya's books are a treasure trove of wisdom, offering insights into the nature of reality, the power of consciousness, and the path to enlightenment. As you read, you'll discover how Shoonya's spiritual technologies can help you awaken to your true potential and connect with the divine.

One of the most exciting aspects of Shoonya's work is that he offers a vision of the future that is both inspiring and transformative. He believes that the evolution of human beings into higher lights is not only possible but inevitable. And he sees Shoonya as the only way that this transformation can occur.

Through the practice of Shoonya, you can tap into your innermost potential and unleash your divine nature. You'll discover a deeper connection to the universe and a sense of purpose that is greater than yourself. And as you evolve, you'll become a beacon of light, inspiring others to follow in your footsteps.

So if you're ready to embark on a journey of spiritual discovery and transformation, start by picking up one of Shoonya's books. Let his words guide you as you explore the mysteries of the universe and unlock the power of your own consciousness. The future generation of human beings is waiting for you to take this first step on the path to higher lights, and Shoonya is here to help you every step of the way.

Dr. Kalita's message about human evolution is both visionary and inspiring. He believes that when humans are ready to embrace Shoonya and its transformative power, they will unlock new doorways to the universe and experience a profound evolution in every aspect of their lives.

According to Dr. Kalita, the coming time will be a time of unprecedented freedom for humanity, with health, evolution, and sharpness of the intellect all advancing to new heights. This is because Shoonya provides a powerful tool for unlocking the full potential of the human mind and connecting with the divine.

Through Shoonya, individuals can tap into a state of pure consciousness, free from the limitations of the physical world. This allows them to access a higher level of awareness and gain new insights into the mysteries of the universe. As they continue to practice and evolve, they become more attuned to the divine, unlocking new levels of health, intelligence, and creativity.

Dr. Kalita's message is one of hope and optimism for the future of humanity. He believes that by embracing Shoonya and its transformative power, we can unlock new levels of consciousness and experience a profound evolution that will benefit all of humanity. So if you're ready to embark on this journey of transformation and explore the limitless potential of your own consciousness, now is the time to take that first step and welcome Shoonya into your life.

Namaste, Namaskara/Namaskaram, dear seeker!

AMRQHTM is the manifestation of a long-awaited dream of many enlightened masters. This sacred place has been carefully crafted to cater to the needs of the next generation of humans and to nurture their DNA. The vision of bringing higher advanced sciences to the earth realm has always been the passion of many great gurus, including the revered Guru Sri Aurobindo himself. AMRQHTM is the next epitome in the evolution of his envisioned sacred space that is Auroville. It is an experimental Shoonya society that operates through the heart structure, with the goal of unlocking the potential of every individual who enters its gates. This is a place of growth and transformation, where you can connect with your true self and discover your innermost potential.

At AMRQHTM, we offer a range of transformative practices rooted in ancient yogic traditions. Our experienced teachers and guides are dedicated to helping you unlock the full potential of your body, mind, and spirit. Whether you are looking to deepen your yoga practice, explore meditation, or connect with like-minded seekers, AMRQHTM is the perfect place to begin your journey.

Come, join us at AMRQHTM and discover the magic of yoga and the transformative power of the human spirit. Let us help you awaken to your true potential and live a life of purpose and fulfilment.

May you find peace and joy on your journey. Namaste.

"Inner Technologies to go beyond the limitations of five senses ~ to move from distortion to truth"


About this programme:

Welcome to Gatih Yoga Center, where we offer the transformative Inner Sciences Program. This seven-day program is designed to guide you through a comprehensive and step-by-step process that will help you tap into your inner potential.

Our program includes a range of practices such as meditation, breathing techniques, sitting postures, health tips, diet designing, kriya Hatha Yoga, and more. These techniques are carefully selected to cater to beginners, making it an ideal choice for those new to the world of inner science.

Throughout the program, you will spend a total of 14 hours in a supportive and immersive learning environment. Our experienced instructors will be by your side every step of the way, ensuring that you receive personalized guidance and support to help you unlock your full potential.

At Gatih Yoga Center, we believe that personal growth should be accessible to everyone, which is why our Inner Sciences Program is priced at just 2072/- INR. This means that you can experience the life-changing benefits of our program without breaking the bank.

Join us today and embark on a journey towards self-discovery and personal growth. Contact us to learn more about the Inner Sciences Program and take the first step towards a more fulfilling life.


About this programme:

Greetings fellow seekers on the path of inner growth and transformation! We are thrilled to introduce you to the Inner Science Kriya Program, a 30-day residential program offered exclusively at Gatih Yoga Center.

Our program is designed to immerse you in a comprehensive and transformative learning experience. You will receive lectures on the workings of the human system, including Physiology, Biology, Consciousness, and Human Cognition. We also offer health checkups and prescribe medications using our proprietary Shoonya the Ether Technology.

Additionally, you will have the opportunity to participate in Energy Medicine and Quantum series sessions, along with a residential program that includes food and accommodation. Best of all, Guru will personally initiate you into the powerful Shoonya Bandh kriya, unlocking your full potential and paving the way for a more fulfilling life.

At Gatih Yoga Center, we are committed to making this transformative program accessible to all. That's why our Inner Science Kriya Program is priced at just 45047/- INR, making it an affordable investment in your personal growth and development.

Join us today and experience the life-transforming privileges of the Inner Science Kriya Program. Contact us to learn more and take the first step on your journey towards inner peace, balance, and harmony.


About this Programme:

Namaste fellow Gatih meditators! We are excited to announce the upcoming Shoonya Mahamudra Initiation, a four-day and three-night residential program exclusively for those who have been initiated into the Shoonya bandh intensive program and have been consistently practising it.

The Shoonya Mahamudra Initiation is a deeply transformative experience that will take your meditation practice to the next level. However, due to the nature of the program, it is highly recommended that participants complete a certain amount of preparation beforehand to ensure they get the most out of the program.

To prepare for the Shoonya Mahamudra Initiation, we recommend that you practice the Shoonya bandh regularly for a minimum of three months. Additionally, we suggest practising Hatha Points stimulation and 20 minutes of AUM chanting one to three times a day for at least 15 days before attending the program.

During the program, participants will have the opportunity to arrive a day in advance from 9 AM until 5 PM. Accommodation will be available until 8 AM on the day after the program closes.

At Gatih Yoga Center, we believe that personal growth and development should be accessible to all. That's why the Shoonya Mahamudra Initiation program is priced at just 8500/- INR, making it an affordable investment in your personal practice and growth.

Join us for this life-transforming experience and take your meditation practice to new heights. Contact us to learn more and register for the Shoonya Mahamudra Initiation today.

Adhipati Programmes

- Programmes only for Advanced Spiritual seekers


About this programme:

Namaste fellow seekers on the path of inner transformation! We are thrilled to introduce you to the Samyama Program, a transformative 15-day residential program that offers a unique opportunity to experience a heightened state of consciousness.

During the program, participants will be immersed in the bosom of Gatih, the Mother Divine, where they will spend long hours in explosive states of meditation. Our program is designed to take you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth under the guidance and presence of the Guru.

Through a combination of advanced meditation techniques, lectures, and individual guidance, the Samyama Program will help you unlock your full potential and awaken your true inner self. You will discover new depths of awareness and experience a heightened state of consciousness that will transform your life in profound ways.

At Gatih Yoga Center, we believe that spiritual growth should be accessible to all. That's why the Samyama Program is priced at just 1,50,000/- INR, offering an affordable investment in your personal growth and transformation.

Join us for this life-changing experience and take the first step on your journey towards inner peace, balance, and harmony. Contact us to learn more and register for the Samyama Program today.


About this programme:

Greetings fellow seekers on the path of spiritual awakening! It gives me immense pleasure to introduce you to the Gatih Upanishad Sadhana Programme - a transformative thirty-day residential program that is designed to help you reach a boundless state of consciousness.

Through a powerful combination of Gatih and Upanishad energies, participants will experience a deeper level of exploration in body, mind, and energy. This program is an opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the sacred hills and spots in Assam, a process that will destroy all that is limited and compulsive.

During this program, you will be immersed in the presence of our revered Guru, who will guide you through advanced meditation techniques and provide individual guidance to help you unlock your full potential. The program is designed to enhance your receptivity towards the energies of Gatih and Upanishad, allowing you to explore a deeper level of experience in body, mind, and energy.

The Gatih Upanishad Sadhana Programme is a life-changing experience that offers an affordable investment in your personal growth and transformation. Priced at just 80,000/- INR, it is an opportunity to take your spiritual journey to the next level under the guidance of the Guru.

Join us for this transformative experience and discover new depths of awareness and consciousness. Contact us to learn more and register for the Gatih Upanishad Sadhana Programme today.


  • This is the most transforming space, I have ever experienced. Thanks

  • Gatih has changed my life - the spiritual aspect has helped me connect with my higher self and find inner peace like never before.

  • I never thought yoga could be so transformative, but the spiritual connection I've found through practice has given me a new sense of purpose.

  • As someone who struggles with anxiety, yoga also has become an invaluable tool for me to connect with the Divine and find inner calm.

  • Through Gatih, I've discovered a deep sense of connectedness with the world around me and a newfound appreciation for the beauty of life.

  • Gatih has helped me let go of stress and connect with my inner self, allowing me to be more present and mindful in every aspect of my life.

  • The spiritual aspect of yoga has helped me connect with my innermost desires and find a sense of purpose that I never knew existed.

  • I started practising yoga for the physical benefits, but the spiritual connection I've found has truly changed my life in unexpected ways.

  • Yoga has taught me to embrace the present moment and connect with the Divine within me, promoting a sense of peace and gratitude.

  • Thanks to Gatih Yoga Centre, I've been able to cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness and connection with the Divine, allowing me to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

  • I can't imagine my life without Shoonya Meditation - the spiritual connection I've found has helped me navigate life's ups and downs with more grace and ease..

Yoga for ailments

Namaste fellow seekers of optimal health and well-being! At Gatih Yoga Center, we believe in the power of yoga as a holistic approach to healing and disease alleviation. Our Inner Technologies of disease alleviation are backed by scientific research and ancient wisdom to offer a comprehensive solution to ailments.

At Gatih Yoga Center, our Inner Technologies of disease alleviation have helped many individuals overcome a wide range of health issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and respiratory problems.

Join us for our yoga for ailments program and experience the transformative power of our Inner Technologies. Contact us to learn more and start your journey towards optimal health today.


About this programme:

7 days
Kriya Yoga Programme - a powerful technique that involves dynamic breathing, mantra chanting, and meditation to balance the energy flow in the body, calm the mind, and promote physical and mental health.

Benefits of Kriya Yoga:

   Cardiovascular disease

   Anxiety and depression

   Chronic pain

   Respiratory disorders

   Digestive disorders

   Insomnia Obesity

   Type 2 diabetes

   Autoimmune disorders

   Cognitive decline etc.


About this programme:

7 days
Pranayama Programme- a set of breathing techniques that promote deep relaxation, increase lung capacity, and help with respiratory issues such as asthma and bronchitis.

Benefits of Pranayama :


   Chronic obstructive

   Pulmonary disease (COPD)


   Digestive disorders

   Anxiety and depression


   Autoimmune disorders

   Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

   Migraines and headaches

   Chronic pain

   Type 2 diabetes

   Cardiovascular disease etc.


About this programme:

per session
Marma Chikithsa - an ancient Indian healing system that involves the stimulation of specific points on the body to promote healing, reduce pain, and improve overall health.

Benefits of Marma Chikitsa:


   Multiple sclerosis (MS)

   Parkinson's disease

   Autoimmune disorders

   Chronic fatigue syndrome

   Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

   Chronic kidney disease

   Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

   Menopause symptoms

   Rheumatoid arthritis etc.


About this programme:

per session
Panchakarma - a detoxification and rejuvenation therapy that involves a combination of massage, herbal treatments, and dietary changes to cleanse the body of toxins and promote optimal health.

Benefits of Panchakarma:

   Chronic sinusitis

   Digestive disorders

   Chronic fatigue syndrome

   Skin disorders

   Chronic pain


   Anxiety and depression



   Respiratory disorders etc.


About this programme:

21 days
Classical Hatha Yoga - a traditional form of yoga that combines physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation to promote physical strength, flexibility, and overall wellbeing.

Masters from Kerala

Benefits of Classical Hatha yoga:

   Multiple sclerosis

   Parkinson's disease

   Traumatic brain injury



   Autism spectrum disorder

   Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

   Alzheimer's disease

   Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

   Eating disorders etc.

Yogapada Programmes

Yoga Pada is a holistic yoga program that emphasizes the integration of the human system in all its dimensions. By aligning your physical, mental, and subtle bodies with the life force, Yoga Pada creates a higher possibility for you to integrate the divine within your own body.

With Yoga Pada, you can experience a profound sense of well-being as you develop a deeper connection to your inner self. Our experienced instructors guide you through a range of classes, from beginner to advanced, that can help you achieve a state of balance and harmony.

Through regular practice of Yoga Pada, you can cultivate a greater awareness of your body and mind, and access a deeper level of consciousness.

Join us today and discover the transformative power of Yoga Pada for yourself!


About this programme:

Kala Martial/self-defence arts: - 12 live sessions (Online/Offline)
Kala Martial/self-defence arts offer a comprehensive program designed to optimize physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. In 12 live sessions, our instructors will guide you through a series of scientifically proven techniques that work on the body-mind connection, bringing balance and stability, strength and flexibility, endurance and stamina, and neuromuscular integration. Our training methodology is built on the foundation of energy systems, which help harness and channel your inner energy to achieve the desired results. By focusing on breath control, meditation, and mindfulness practices, we help you tap into your body's innate ability to generate power, enhance focus and concentration, and build resilience against physical and emotional stress. Our program is designed to cater to all levels of fitness and expertise, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Each session is tailored to suit individual needs, and our professional instructors use a variety of techniques, including different martial arts like Taekwondo, karate etc, self-defense system of arts like Krav-maga, jujutsu, systema etc, yoga, and strength training, to help you achieve your fitness goals. At Kala Martial/self-defence arts, we understand that fitness is not just about building muscles or losing weight. It's about achieving holistic wellness and developing a positive outlook towards life. Join us today and experience the benefits of a comprehensive training program that promises to transform your body, mind, and soul.

Benefits of Kala martial arts:

   Increased strength and stamina

   Improved cardiovascular health

   Increased flexibility and range of motion

   Improved balance and coordination

   Stress reduction

   Improved self-confidence

   Improved discipline and focus

   Improved reflexes and reaction time

   Increased mindfulness and mental clarity

   Improved self-defense skills


About this programme:

4 days (without accomodation/with accomodation)
Mud therapy, also known as pelotherapy, is a natural healing technique that has been used for centuries to promote wellness in the body, mind, and energy. This treatment involves the application of mud or clay to the body, either through a mud bath or a mud pack, to achieve therapeutic benefits. Scientifically, mud therapy works by stimulating various receptors in the body, including mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, and chemoreceptors. Mechanoreceptors respond to mechanical pressure and movement, and are activated when mud is applied to the skin. This can help to increase circulation and lymphatic flow, which in turn promotes the removal of toxins and waste from the body. Thermoreceptors are activated by changes in temperature, and mud therapy can help to stimulate these receptors by either applying warm or cool mud to the skin. This can help to reduce inflammation and pain, and promote healing in the body. Chemoreceptors respond to chemical stimuli, and mud therapy can help to stimulate these receptors by the release of minerals and trace elements from the mud or clay. These minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium, can be absorbed by the skin and have a variety of benefits, including reducing inflammation, promoting relaxation, and improving overall health and wellness. In addition to its physical benefits, mud therapy also has positive effects on the mind and energy. The process of receiving a mud treatment can be relaxing and meditative, which can help to reduce stress and promote mental clarity. Mud therapy can also help to balance the energy of the body, by promoting the flow of chi or prana, which can improve overall well-being and vitality. Overall, mud therapy is a natural and effective way to promote health and wellness in the body, mind, and energy. By stimulating various receptors in the body and releasing beneficial minerals and trace elements, mud therapy can help to promote circulation, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health and well-being.

Benefits of Mud Therapy:

   Boosts blood circulation

   Reduces inflammation

   Enhances skin health

   Improves immune system function

   Helps to detoxify the body

   Relieves pain and stiffness

   Promotes relaxation and stress relief

   Aids in weight loss

   Boosts metabolism

   Provides relief from joint and muscle pain.


About this programme:

Weight loss Programme: - 3 Months .
Are you struggling to lose weight? Our weight loss programme is designed to help you achieve your desired weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here's how our team will help you reach your goals: Customized diet plan: Our team of experts will design a personalized diet plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. Our dieticians will take into account your body type, medical history, and nutritional requirements to create a plan that maximizes weight loss while ensuring you receive all the essential nutrients. Vital monitoring: We use advanced technology to monitor your vitals such as blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels. This data is analyzed by our team to track your progress and adjust your diet plan accordingly. Regular check-ups: Our doctors will regularly check your health to ensure that you are losing weight in a safe and healthy manner. Any health issues that arise during the weight loss journey will be addressed immediately. Scientifically proven methods: Our weight loss programme is based on scientific principles and research. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of weight loss and nutrition to provide you with the best possible care. Holistic approach: We believe that weight loss is not just about losing pounds but also about improving overall health and wellbeing. Our programme focuses on a holistic approach that includes physical exercise, stress management, and healthy lifestyle habits. Personalized support: Our team provides personalized support throughout your weight loss journey. We will be there to answer any questions you may have and provide you with the motivation and encouragement you need to succeed. In summary, our weight loss programme is designed to help you achieve your desired weight in a safe and healthy manner. Our team will create a customized diet plan, monitor your vitals, and provide regular check-ups to ensure that you reach your goals. We use scientifically proven methods and take a holistic approach to weight loss, with personalized support every step of the way.

Benefits of weight-loss programme:

   Improved overall health

   Increased energy

   Better sleep

   Improved mobility

   Increased confidence

   Reduced stress

   Improved digestion

   Lowered blood pressure

   Reduced inflammation

   Improved immune function